Casino Peak Cebu | Why Don’t More People Come Here?!

Casino Peak Cebu Philippines

Casino Peak Cebu

Casino Peak is one of the most underrated places in Cebu! Often overshadowed by the more famous Osmena Peak, Casino Peak is a hidden gem… and you know we love a hidden gem!

In our opinion, Casino Peak offers better panoramic views than Osmena Peak and without the crowds! So much so that we had the entire place to ourselves when we visited!

In this complete travel guide, we cover everything you need to know about Casino Peak, from how to get there to the best times to visit, entrance fees and how it compares to the famous Osmena Peak. Let’s dive in!

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Check Out Our Vlog On YouTube!

Casino and Osmena Peak Thumbnail

Where Is Casino Peak Located

Casino Peak is located in the municipality of Badian, Cebu, Philippines. It is actually quite close to the famous Osmena Peak, roughly a 10-minute drive away.

Casino Peak is part of the Mantalongon mountain range and is known for its breathtaking views and lush surroundings. Accessible via a relatively short but steep hike, Casino Peak offers the chance to experience the natural beauty of Cebu while enjoying panoramic vistas of the nearby hills and coastline.

We have highlighted Casino Peak’s location on Google Maps for reference:

How Do You Get To Casino Peak?

By Scooter (The option we did): For a journey to Casino Peak that’s all about your choices and control, we recommend hiring a scooter from Moalboal. This gives you the freedom to set your own pace and explore the scenic route at your leisure. Moalboal is a bustling travel hub and an ideal starting point for numerous adventures in Cebu. However, you do want to have a good level of confidence on a scooter to make this trip, we touch more on this below!

Our favorite scooter shop in Moalboal is: Majona’s Scooter Rental. This one is slightly more expensive but offers larger bikes with a higher cc and, most importantly, very good breaks!

By Bus: We understand it is possible to get a public bus to Mantalongon (Dalaguete). Mantalongon is a small market town located just 5km from the start of Casino Peak Hike. We drove through this market town on the scooter. There were no tourists at all, but it was amazing to see the local Filipino Market. From Mantalongon, it is possible to get a trike or bike taxi for the final leg of the journey to the starting point of Casino Peak.

By Private Taxi: It is also possible to hire a private taxi to take you to the starting point of Casino Peak from Moalboal. Once you are in Moalboal, it is super easy to get a quote for this; just ask your accommodation provider or any local tourist stalls. Of course, this will set you back more than renting a scooter and making your own way there, but it is definitely the safest option if you are not confident on a scooter.

Casino Peak Cebu Philippines
Casino Peak Cebu Philippines

Is It Safe To Take A Scooter To Casino Peak

Keep in mind that the scooter ride to Casino Peak is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a long ride, taking roughly 1.5 to 2 hours from Moalbaol. The roads can be steep and bumpy, with areas undergoing construction. To navigate these challenges, a good level of confidence on a scooter is a must. But the breathtaking views at the end of the journey make it all worth it.

Most importantly … YOU NEED TO PICK THE CORRECT ROUTE ON GOOGLE MAPS! We cannot stress this enough! There have been many stories of tourists getting stuck on the way to or from Casino Peak on a scooter, and nearly always, it is because they have picked a very steep route on Google Maps.

Casino Peak Cebu Philippines

When you are considering driving to a higher-altitude location on a scooter, a good rule of thumb to remember is that shorter is not always better. In fact, shorter is nearly always worse, aha! This is because shorter means steeper, and steeper means hard work for a scooter engine on the way up and, more importantly, very hot breaks on the way down!!  

When you first put Casino Peak into Google Maps, two route suggestions will pop up, both of which are very steep! Don’t, we repeat, don’t take these routes! By far, the best route to take from Moalboal is through Alegria. The best way to make Google Maps pop up with this route is to add a stop-off at Cancalanog Falls on the way! Below, we have screenshotted the best route to take and the routes you should not take on Google Maps. Hopefully, this will make it really clear and help anyone making this journey.

Incorrect Routes To Casino Peak
Correct Route To Casino Peak on google maps

If you are unsure whether you are confident enough on a scooter to make this journey, you can check out our full experience on YouTube, where we show you the roads and what to expect firsthand.

Another point to make is that Cancalanog Falls are STUNNING and the perfect stop off on the way to or from Casino Peak! We highly recommend checking it out! You can read more about Cancalanog Falls in our ultimate Moalboal Travel Guide: Moalboal Cebu – 12 Best Things To Do | Ultimate Travel Guide.

Cancalanog Falls Cebu Philippines

Are There Tours To Casino Peak

Unlike Osmena Peak, there are no tours to Casino Peak (or at least as far as we are aware currently). This really goes to show that far fewer people visit Casino Peak and how authentic an experience it can be! It likely won’t stay this way forever, so catch it sooner rather than later!

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Philippines Packing List | Avoid A Runny Tummy & Mosquitos!

Do You Need To Book In Advance To Visit Casino Peak

There are no tours to Casino Peak, so there is no need to pre-book.
However, we strongly advise planning your trip well before you go! Ensure you have the correct routes on Google Maps and know what to expect. Likewise, although the lure of sunset at Casino Peak is understandable, be aware that this means you will be driving back in the dark… and it’s very dark! Plan your trip earlier in the day if you want to avoid this!

We also recommend picking a stop-off point on the way there or back to break up the journey. Two hours can be quite tough on the bottom, aha! As mentioned, two great options are Cancalanog Falls or Cambais Falls. You can read about both of these awesome spots in our complete Moalboal travel guide:

Moalboal Cebu – 12 Best Things To Do | Ultimate Travel Guide

You Can Also Check Out The Best Of Moalboal In Our YouTube Video:

Moalboal Cebu Youtube Thumbnail

Entrance Fee For Casino Peak

When you arrive at Casino Peak, you will be greeted by the lovely family who own the land on which this awesome peak sits. There is a small hut where you pay an entrance fee of only 50 Pesos (Roughly 70p). Note that this price could change over time.

There is also a place to buy water and ice cream, both of which are very welcome on a hot day in the middle of nowhere!

Casino Peak Difficulty

Casino Peak is a very short hike, taking about 10 – 20 minutes, depending on how speedy you are feeling. However, it is very steep in parts and may not be suitable for those who are scared of heights or have vertigo.

If you are worried about heights or whether you can manage the trek, check out our YouTube video, where we show you our firsthand experience and what to expect.

Casino Peak Cebu
Casino Peak Cebu Philippines

Is Casino Peak Dangerous

Casino Peak is generally considered a safe hiking destination, but like any outdoor adventure, it comes with certain risks you should be aware of. As mentioned, the trail to the peak is relatively short but steep and rugged in sections, which may pose challenges, especially during wet weather when the path can become slippery. Proper footwear with good traction is a good idea to prevent slips and falls.

Additionally, the summit lacks guardrails or protective barriers, so you should exercise caution, particularly near the edges. If you are nervous of heights of have vertigo, be mindful that the steep edges could be triggering for you. Denzel actually experienced mild vertigo for the first time on Casino Peak.

It’s also advisable to carry sufficient water and be prepared for sudden changes in weather. Likewise, if you are taking a scooter, make sure you pick the correct route and try and avoid driving in the dark.

Casino Peak Vs Osmena Peak

Casino Peak Cebu Philippines
Osmena Peak Cebu

Osmeña Peak and Casino Peak are both fantastic hiking destinations in Cebu, each offering breathtaking views. Osmeña Peak is the most famous and popular of the two, but in our honest opinion, Casino Peak is better.

There are several reasons for this opinion; firstly, while both are stunning, the view from Casino Peak is arguably better! At Casino Peak, you have 360-degree panoramic views of the distinctive jagged hills resembling the Chocolate Hills of Bohol and the coastline in the distance! It is truly breathtaking. Osmena Peak has very similar views and is very beautiful, but in our opinion, Casino Peak has the edge!

Secondly, Osmena Peak is far busier than Casino Peak. Even at 5 am, Osmena Peak can be bustling with tourists. In contrast, we visited Casino Peak in the middle of the afternoon and were the only ones there, experiencing a rare tranquillity that was truly incredible!

Lastly, Casino Peak sits in the back yard of the lovelist local family and paying the entrance fee here really felt like we were contributing to the local economy. Osmena Peak does feel a bit more commercialised and touristy.

Osmena Peak Cebu

That being said, there are a number of reasons you may wish to choose Osmena Peak over Casino Peak. Firstly, there are no guided tours to Casino Peak at present, whereas it is super easy to book a joiner tour to head to Osmena Peak. This makes it much more accessible for those who are not confident on a scooter.

Secondly, in our opinion, the short hike to Osmena Peak is easier than Casino Peak. While both hikes are short, Osmena Peak is not as steep and does not have such steep edges. This makes it more accessible and better suited to those who may be nervous of heights. If you want to learn more about Osmena Peak, you can check out our complete travel guide here: Osmeña Peak – The Best Sunrise Hike In Cebu | Travel Guide.

Overall, both hikes are stunning and offer similar views of Cebu’s highlands, so you can’t go wrong whichever you pick!

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Top Tips For Visiting Casino Peak

Here are the top tips for visiting Casino Peak:  

  1. Bring Cash: Be prepared for the entrance fees, as they do not accept card. Check the latest Google Reviews to ensure you bring enough cash and avoid disappointment.
  2. Pick the correct route on Google Maps: The route via Alegria is the best, it takes a bit longer but is far safer on a scooter as it is not as steep.
  3. Stop Off On The Way: Stop off at Cancalanog Falls or Cambais Falls on the way. Both are stunning and sit directly on the route to Casino Peak.
  4. Bring Water: It is a long, often hot journey with limited shops on route. Come prepared and bring water and snacks (Snacks are always a good idea).
  5. Avoid Sunset: While this may be tempting, sunset means a very long and steep drive back in the dark. Unless you are very confident riding a scooter, we would advise against a sunset trip.
  6. Wear Appropriate Footwear: Casino Peak is steep and rocky in places. Trainers or hiking shoes are more ideal than flipflops!

Where To Stay In Moalboal

Looking for where to stay Moalboal? Here are our top recommendations depending on your budget and the vibe you are going for!



Looking for a more relaxing experience away from the hustle and bustle of hostels? Here are our top hotel recommendations in Moalboal from Agoda:

When To Visit Casino Peak

The best time to visit Casino Peak is during the dry season, which brings less rainfall and more predicable weather. However, you could also consider visiting during the shoulder seasons. We have highlighted the best months below:

Dry Season: Typically extending from November to April, this period brings clearer skies, calmer waters, and minimal rainfall, creating ideal conditions for outdoor exploration. However, bear in mind that this period also sees a surge in tourist activity, resulting in larger crowds and increased accommodation prices.

Shoulder Seasons: If you prefer a quieter experience, consider visiting during the shoulder seasons of May or October when the weather is still pleasant and the crowds are fewer. Avoid planning your trip during the rainy season, from June to September, as heavy downpours and choppy waters can hinder your plans.

Below we have included a table of average monthly rainfall in the Philippines to help you plan the perfect time to visit. Hover over the bars to also see average monthly temperature.

Average Monthly Rainfall In The Philippines

Philippines Weather Widget
Rainy Season
Shoulder Season
Dry Season
Twin Lagoon Coron. Best things to do in Coron.


Casino Peak offers an unforgettable adventure for those seeking to explore the natural beauty of Cebu. With its stunning panoramic views, lush landscapes, and relatively accessible hiking trail, it is an ideal destination for both novice and experienced hikers. As you plan your visit, remember to prepare adequately by selecting the best route to get there, wearing appropriate footwear and checking the weather. Whether you’re captivated by the breathtaking views or the tranquil atmosphere at the summit, Casino Peak promises a rewarding experience that highlights the charm of Cebu’s highlands. 

Don’t hesitate to let us know any questions you might have in the comments below!

Big Love As Always

Beth and Denz

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